The Thriving Christian Artist

283 - Moving Across the Bridge: A Conversation with Gena Kearn

Matt Tommey: Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and Artist Mentor Episode 283

Have you ever stood in the middle of a suspension bridge when the wind kicked up?  Talk about a bumpy ride!  And even though you know logically that you’re safe, it doesn’t necessarily feel that way!  Sometimes our journey to what God has called us to do can feel like that suspension bridge. Even when we trust in His plan, it can still make our knees a little weak!

I’m excited to introduce you to my friend Gena Kearn, who is in our Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program and is at a place in her journey that we call “crossing the bridge” - that is, moving from her current career as an art teacher and hobbyist into a full-time career as an artist!  I know that you’ll enjoy hearing Gena’s story!

And be sure to connect with Gena at or at

I also wanted to invite you to our upcoming Artist Rise Up Masterclass + Art Challenge, which starts on September 20th.   If you’re ready to discover how to thrive spiritually, artistically, and in business as an artist in God's Kingdom, then you need to be here! 

The masterclass series includes 5 live training sessions with me, a fun art challenge, a Facebook group where you can connect with other Christian artists, and some really cool prizes!  It’s one of my favorite events that we hold, and I hope to see you there!  Click the link below for more details and to register.

Artist Rise Up Masterclass + Art Challenge


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