The Thriving Christian Artist

3 Characteristics of 5 Talent Faithfulness

Matt Tommey: Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and Artist Mentor

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Unlock the secrets to transforming your artistic journey by embracing the lessons from the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. What if the key to fulfilling your God-given dreams lies in responding swiftly to His call and believing in your potential to achieve what He has planned? Join me, Matt Tama, as we uncover how the story of the man with five talents can inspire artists to take immediate action and trust in divine guidance, overcoming self-doubt and procrastination. Step into a new understanding of your creative aspirations as not just personal goals but as divinely inspired opportunities to embody God's kingdom on earth.

Dive deeper into cultivating habits for success by focusing on faithful stewardship of the talents God has entrusted to you. Learn why avoiding "one talent habits" like doubting your abilities is crucial for growth, and discover how God equips us based on our past experiences. This episode is a call to align your actions with God's will, even when feeling unqualified, and to embrace the unique purpose He has set for you. Experience the joy and abundance that comes from staying connected with God's direction, and be encouraged to push through roadblocks to truly thrive as an artist in His kingdom.

Join us inside the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program at

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Welcome to the Thriving Christian Artist, the podcast, where we hope you connect with God to bust through the roadblocks that have held you back for years, create the work you love and really live the life you know. God created you to live as an artist in His kingdom. I'm Matt Tama, your host. Let's get started. Well, hey, my friend, so glad that you're with me on the podcast today. You know I don't know about you, but when I'm doing something that my mind is not necessarily engaged in like you know, brushing my teeth, taking a shower just in the studio, just kind of doing something that doesn't take a lot of mind work, a lot of times that's when God speaks to me the clearest, and maybe it's because I clear a place for him to speak the clearest, and maybe it's because I clear a place for him to speak. But I noticed this morning as I was getting ready to get on one of our live Q&As with our mentoring program. I was brushing my teeth and getting ready to walk out the door and the Lord just started speaking to me about the parable of the talents, which is something I've taught on for years. Matthew 25, just an incredible for years. Matthew 25, just an incredible metaphorical story about living and growing in the kingdom and how acceleration and growth happens in your life. If you've been around at all, you've heard me teach on Matthew 25 and the whole concept of faithful, with little ruler over much. I just believe that's how the kingdom works. But you know, it got me to thinking this morning really about the three characteristics I think there are probably maybe more, but three that the Lord showed me this morning of the guy that had five talents. You know, a lot of people have five talent dreams but only have one talent habits right. That's why they end up remaining confused in their life, you know, because nothing's happening, nothing's going on. They can't figure out why nothing is moving forward, why they're always running up against the same issues and rarely, if ever, does that have anything to do with God's plan for their life. It really has to do most of the time with their willingness to be able to walk in faith and pursue the thing that God has for them on a regular, consistent basis, because that's how, you know, really growth happens. But I got to thinking this morning, you know, about this guy with the five talents in this story and there are three characteristics that the Lord sort of highlighted to me that you know, if you want to go back and read in Matthew 25, I'm sure these will pop out for you as well and you can, you know, maybe use it as your own devotional today, as you're, as you're listening. But you know, the guy with uh in the, the guys in the story, there were three of them.

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If you don't know the story, uh, in the story Jesus is the master of the field and he comes to the three workers that he's got and he says, hey, I'm going to be going away for a while, but I'm going to give you a sum of money, which is a huge sum of money, like years of salary. He said, I'm going to give you a sum of money and I want you to go and, uh, you know, be a good steward of that, invest that and and then I'll I'll be coming back to see how you did later on and so it says that the guy that he gave five talents to it says number one, he went quickly and invested the money. And I think that is the first thing that really the Lord just kind of highlighted to me this morning is that people who are walking in those five talent dreams, people that are walking in increase and multiplication, acceleration in their life, who really feel like they're hitting on all cylinders. They respond quickly to whatever God is calling them to do. They do it without hesitation, they do it without waiting around. And the second principle or characteristic of this guy with five talents really feeds into this first one about responding quickly, and it's that I believe that he believed what the master told him to do was possible, and not only possible, but possible for him. Now, why do I say that? Well, I'm.

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The distinction is drawn later on in the story about the guy with one talent who said hey, I didn't invest mine, I actually went and hid it in the field. Because why? I knew you to be a hard man. In other words, I didn't feel like I could measure up, I didn't feel like I was good enough, I didn't feel like this was actually possible for me, and so I just kind of took the back seat, I hid my talent, I put it in the ground, I. And so I just kind of took the back seat. I hid my talent, I'd put it in the ground, I was fearful, I didn't want to step out in faith, and so I just I kind of put it over here to the side. And so this guy with five talents and even the guy with two talents both of them were able to to walk in confidence because they believed that what the master had given them and what he had told them to do was possible for them.

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How many artists maybe you in your life know that God's given you something, know that he's called you something, but it may seem bigger or more grandiose than you thought, it may seem a little more difficult than what you thought it was going to do, but you've been waiting around for some magic to happen, or you've been just thinking well, maybe that's just me, maybe this is not something that I should actually pursue and you don't believe that the dream that God has put on your heart is actually possible. Listen, until you get used to this idea that God implants dreams and purposes in our hearts, not because we're selfish, they're not just our ideas. This is the way his kingdom gets manifested in and through our lives and in and through the earth. As he puts a dream on our heart, a vision on our heart, we say yes to that and then we start walking in faith toward that thing, believing that God is going to open the doors and make a way where there seems to be no way believing that God is going to open the doors and make a way where there seems to be no way he's going to open doors and provide and lead and guide us to the things that he's called us to. But we got to move quickly with that and we got to believe in our heart, even when it doesn't look like it in the natural, even when we think it's not possible. We got to believe that if God showed me this, if God's opening the door for this, he's giving me the opportunity and the authority to be able to walk in this direction and, even though I can't see it right now, it's absolutely possible.

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The third thing that I think you know for these guys it says that the master of the field gave them talent based on how they'd done in the past and it really just underscores this idea of you know what Jesus says in this verse of you. Know you've been faithful with little I'm going to make you ruler over much. Enter into the joy of your Lord. Joy and fulfillment come out of doing things well, doing the things that God's put on your heart, stewarding what he's put in your hand and and the interesting thing is his confidence and action to be able to walk into the thing that God had called him to, that the master of the field had called him to in this story, was based on partly his prior experience and skill and success and enabling him to work with the momentum, if you will. That was already there in his life. Listen, you don't exist in a vacuum there in his life. Listen, you don't exist in a vacuum. You exist, and I exist, in the context of a life that has been lived with much, much, much experience and skill and successes and failures and struggles and wins, and all of that. And listen, god wants to use all of that in your life, in this place of convergence, so that not only can you walk in the joy of the Lord, but so you can also be made ruler over more and more and more and more. That's how growth happens in the kingdom.

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But you'll never be a person that has five talents or more in your life if you continue to walk out your life with one talent habits. What are those one talent habits? Well, they're not responding quickly. They're hiding from the calling that God's given you. They're actually not, they're just continuing to believe that you're not able to do it, you're not good enough, you're inadequate. You know you're not able to do the things that God's called you to do. The dreams that you put on your heart are just yours, that you're being selfish, that they're not really possible, that you're not good enough in your skill level yet to really step out. Listen, the more you cultivate those one talent habits in your life, the further and further you get away from the things that God has actually called you to. And so, my friend, listen success in the kingdom of God.

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Walking in the kingdom of God.

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It's not always easy, but it is very, very simple. When God shows you something, do it. When God tells you something, believe it, even though you may feel unqualified, because you know the beautiful thing God qualifies us and he prepares us and he equips us as we walk with him. He's not looking for people that are already equipped, already qualified, already has all the answers, already has all the skill. He's looking for people whose hearts are completely his, who are willing to say yes in the middle of not knowing. And I don't know if that gives you a lot of confidence today, but it sure does me, because I don't know all the answers, I don't know everywhere I'm going, I don't know all the things that I'm going to need to know as I'm walking toward the things God's got for me. But I do know this that he who began a good work in me and in you is faithful to complete it even until the day of Christ Jesus. But it takes you and I cooperating with him so that we can enter into that abundant life, enter into that joy of the Lord that he promises here in Matthew 25.

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My friend, I love you. I want God's very, very best for you, but I want you to realize, if you get anything out of listening to me here on the podcast or reading any of my books or being in the mentoring program life in the kingdom is about walking with the Lord. It's about cooperating with him, about doing the things that you see the father doing, tuning your heart to his voice, tuning your ears to his voice, learning to follow the nudges of his spirit, so that you learn to cooperate with him on a moment by moment basis for the things that he has for you in your life, and listen. When you do that, you can trust that God will be leading you into every good thing that he has for you. My friend, I love you. I hope this is an encouragement to you today. If it is, be sure to leave me a comment.

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Make sure, of course, that you're subscribed so you don't miss any of the episodes here on the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, and it'd be an honor if you'd share this episode on social media or with a friend and just let them know that what we're doing here on the Thriving Christian Artist podcast is meaningful to you as a creative in his kingdom. I love you, my friend. Remember, until next time. You were created to thrive. Bye, hey. Thanks so much for spending a few minutes with me today on the podcast. Listen, I hope it's been a huge encouragement to you on your journey as an artist. Hey, also, before you leave, make sure to hit the subscribe button so you don't miss any of the other episodes of the Thriving Christian Artist Podcast, and also be sure to connect with me on Facebook, instagram or at my website, which is matttommymentoringcom. Until next time. Remember, you were created to thrive. Bye-bye, thank you.