The Thriving Christian Artist

FREE Artist Cashflow Bootcamp This Week

April 30, 2024 Matt Tommey: Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and Artist Mentor

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Well, hey, my friend, it's Matt. Listen, I'm jumping in to make a special invitation to you, outside of our normal podcast, about something called the Artist Cashflow Bootcamp. You know, one of the things I've discovered in mentoring artists for all these years is that really, every problem that an artist faces in their life when they're trying to get their business going comes down to one of five areas, or sometimes more than one, but at least one of these five areas, or sometimes more than one, but at least one of these five areas. Either they're not clear about the picture in their heart that God has for them, that is, you know, they don't know the plan and purposes for their life and where they're going in their art business. What success looked like. Number two they don't know the people that they're trying to go after. They don't know who their ideal clients are. They don't know how to get in front of them, what matters to them, how to build connection with them. Number three they don't know what the products are that actually are viable for them to start making a living with the art that they're making. And is that art profitable? Is it desirable in the marketplace? Does it resonate with their ideal client? Number four they may know all that other stuff, but they don't know how to get the word out about what they're doing. In other words, promotions. They don't know how to promote their art in a way that is profitable, that builds sales, that builds regular income, so that they can move from being a hobbyist and being somebody that's just kind of playing around with their art to somebody that's actually making a consistent income.

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And then number five is the plan. Most artists are treating their art business like an art hobby. They're just willy-nilly, there's no planning to it. They're just kind of doing things when they feel like it. They are forgetting deadlines for shows. They're not really planning a year in advance to know where the cash flow is going to be coming from, where the dips are, where the growth is. They don't have a plan. And listen, I've learned over the years that when you can begin to put all five of these P's together right, the picture, the people, the plan, the promotions and the products when you can bring all of that together in what we call the artist cash flow wheel, you can create a year plan for your life and for your art business. That begins to be the foundation for creating consistent income in your life.

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Listen, it's not rocket science. I do it every day. We do it every day inside the mentoring program and we run these, these workshops, these artists cash flow Bootcamps, in order to give you a step in the right direction, to start building a foundation for your art business. Listen, if you know that God has called you as an artist and you believe that God's called you as an artist, not just in ministry, not just for fun, but really in the marketplace, to begin to create a consistent income, either part-time or full-time, for your work, but you just don't know where to start, I promise you, the artist cashflow bootcamp is the best and the easiest and the fastest way for you to get started and get a get a handle on all the things that it takes to actually get started in the art business. We make it simple, I make it fun, I make it fast and I'd love to invite you to be a part Now.

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Listen, we start this Thursday, all right, may the 2nd, and it's at 2 o'clock Eastern time. On Zoom. We even have a VIP option where you can be involved in small groups, ask me questions, get some one-on-one coaching after the main sessions, but if you just want to do the main session. It's free and anybody can sign up for that. Replays are available for a few days, but if you want the replays ongoing for lifetime, we want to encourage you to sign up for VIP. That way, you get all the replays, all the interaction with me, all the interaction with other artists and small groups and really get to dive deep into the information that I'm teaching you. All right. So listen, I want to encourage you to go to artistcashflowbootcampcom and you can find out all the details. Get signed up today and we start on Thursday. And listen, this train's moving. I'd love to have you be a part of this artist cashflow bootcamp and let me help you start making this year your breakthrough year. All right, love you, my friend, and I hope we.