The Thriving Christian Artist

Creating a Product Ecosystem for Your Art Business

March 26, 2024 Matt Tommey: Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and Artist Mentor

Ever feel like you're on a hamster wheel, trying to generate income from your art? You're not alone. In this enlightening episode, I, Matt Tommey, invite you to discover the secret to building a sustainable, thriving livelihood from your God-given artistic talents. Say goodbye to the frustration of unrelated side hustles and hello to a strategy that aligns with your divine design and true calling. I'm sharing the transformative concept of a product ecosystem—a revelation that has helped countless artists, like myself, tap into a wellspring of financial stability without sacrificing passion or purpose.

Prepare to be inspired as I walk you through the practical steps to create multiple, interconnected income streams that naturally evolve from your unique skill set. As a basket maker, I've lived the journey from crafting singular pieces to authoring books, launching online classes, and establishing a diverse yet cohesive array of revenue sources. This episode isn't just about monetizing your art; it's a roadmap to achieving the creative and financial freedom you've longed for. So, if you're ready to harness the full potential of your artistic calling and step into a life of abundance, this is the episode you can't afford to miss.

Need help developing your artist product ecosystem? We'd love to help inside the Created to Thrive Artist Mentorship program. Join today for just $14 and let's make this year, your breakthrough year! 

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Thriving Christian Artist the podcast, where we hope you connect with God to bus through the roadblocks that have held you back for years, create the work you love and really live the life you know. God created you to live as an artist in His kingdom. I'm Matt Tomah, your host. Let's get started. Why am I friend? It's Matt. Welcome to another edition of the Thriving Christian Artist podcast. Super glad that you are here. You know, one of the dreams that I hear from artists all the time is oh man, I want consistent income, I want to be able to quit my job. I want to be able to, you know, add a little bit of money to my retirement savings or make life just a little bit easier every month financially, and at least at a very minimum pay for my art passion, so that I'm not having to come out of my pocket every month. But people have this dream of consistent financial income and yet very, very few artists have an idea of how to do that, because they've never been taught how to manage their money, how to develop wealth, how to build a business that has consistent income in it. That's one of the things that is very core to what we teach inside of Creative Thrive in our artist mentorship program is that you can absolutely create consistent income in a way that serves you and the season of life you're in and the vision that God has given you. But one of the things I've found that artists are really, really bad about doing is thinking about multiple streams of income in a way that has nothing to do with how they're designed or what they're called to do. Meaning this? Meaning somebody thinks, well, I'm an artist and I need to be making consistent income, so I'm going to go work a job on the weekends, or I'm going to pick up this extra thing, or I'm going to go do multi-level marketing, or I'm going to start babysitting on the side, or I'm just going to start doing all this stuff, chasing money and trying to cobble together enough income to be able to pursue the dream that they have of being an artist. Now here's the dirty little secret because they're running around chasing this money that has nothing to do with how God has designed them or called them in their life, they lose all their energy, they lose all their passion because they don't have time for it, right? They're so tired, you know, running around working all these other part-time jobs and doing things that God never designed them or called them to do, that they lose sight of the very thing that God has given them, which is their art. Listen, we believe in the kingdom that our income, our financial provision, comes through our unique design, and it's for the purpose of our assignment, not only so that we can walk in blessing and enjoy the desires of our heart, but so that we can be a blessing to others. That's how the flow of God's provision is designed to work in our life, and so I like to teach a concept in the mentoring program in our artist cash flow bootcamp, actually called a product ecosystem. In other words, instead of trying to cobble together a whole bunch of unrelated income opportunities, how can you begin to create a product suite and an ecosystem around what you do? And I'll give you an example For me, you know, as a basket maker for years and somebody that did not have a lot of, you know, I had a couple of businesses before and had done a few things, but I was not by any means an expert entrepreneur, but I knew that I needed to focus my time and energy and resources.

Speaker 1:

And so, for me, as a basket maker, what would I do Well. I would make baskets and sell them to people. I would also do shows. I would also put my work in galleries. I wrote a book about basket making. I started teaching baskets in person. I started teaching in other conferences and retreats. I developed some online classes. What was I doing? I was starting to create multiple ways to bring income into my life as an artist, but all of them were related to my calling as an artist.

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Listen, that when you can do that and you start to build that little by little and build these streams, all of a sudden those streams become rivers and those rivers begin to be the very vehicle that carries abundance into your life. Now, listen, I've found very, very, very few artists who can do this by theirself. It's overwhelming. It's a lot. It's a lot to manage. It's a lot to even have a vision for that, maybe even understand. You know what that you do even has the potential to make money.

Speaker 1:

And I would just say to you, my friend, if you realize that that is your issue right now, you need multiple streams of income. But for whatever reason you've tried, it's not work. You're frustrated with that and you're looking for some help specific to you. I would love to help you, my friend. The best way that we can do that is inside the Creative to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program. You can get started right now for just $14 for your first month and then after that, the investment that you're gonna put inside your own business is worth so much more than you would ever pay. Not only that, most of the time all those fees are tax deductible anyway, so you're getting to count that. You know, not even as a part of your taxable income. It becomes a business expense that you're using as you begin to build your business. My friend, I would love, I would love to help you develop that ecosystem, that product suite in your life so that you can begin to create consistent income through multiple streams of income and be able to have the time and the freedom and the energy to do the things that God has called you to do. You can click the link right here inside the show notes to join us inside Creative to Thrive and listen if you're kind of enamored by this idea of product ecosystem and understanding your products and what has the potential to make money. One of the bonuses that you get inside the program is our full training Artist Cash Flow Bootcamp. It's been one of the most transformative things we've ever taught folks in all of the Artist Mentoring I've done over the years, and it's yours free, as a part of your membership.

Speaker 1:

Listen, don't put off another year, another week, another month of struggling on your own. Don't keep just pushing off getting help. Don't keep pushing off what could be. Make a choice today to become a part of Creative, to Thrive, and let us help you make this year your breakthrough year. I love you, my friend, and I look forward to seeing you inside Again. Until next time. Remember, you were created to thrive. Bye, hey. Thanks so much for spending a few minutes with me today on the podcast Listen. I hope it's been a huge encouragement to you on your journey as an artist. Hey, also, before you leave, make sure to hit the subscribe button so you don't miss any of the other episodes of the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, and also be sure to connect with me on Facebook, instagram or at my website, which is matttommymentoringcom. Until next time. Remember, you were created to thrive. Bye-bye, thank you.