The Thriving Christian Artist

The Missing Link for Most Artist Websites

February 27, 2024 Matt Tommey: Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and Artist Mentor

Struggling to make your artist website do the heavy lifting for your business? Prepare to unlock the secret of converting casual browsers into devoted patrons and subscribers. I'm Matt Tommey, and in this edition of the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, we're tackling the critical yet often-neglected element of website design: the call to action. Through my Creative Thrive Artist Mentoring program, I've dissected numerous artist websites, and I've pinpointed where many miss the mark. Now, I'm excited to guide you step-by-step on crafting a siren call that not only captivates but compels your audience to engage deeply with your online art space.

Ever wonder why your stunning artworks don't translate into sales or a growing email list? The culprit might be the lack of a clear pathway for your audience. Let's explore together how everything—from your Instagram posts to podcast interviews—should be a tributary leading to the river that is your website, where a clear call to action can guide visitors into the embrace of your artistry. You'll learn about leveraging freebies as irresistible bait and setting up automated email sequences that nurture potential customers into loyal fans. As an example, I'll share one of my own freebies that has proven effective in hooking an audience. So, turn up the volume and let's transform your website into a dynamic engine for your art business.

For help developing your lead magnets and artist website, join us inside the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program. You can get started today for just $14 at 

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Thriving Christian Artist, the podcast, where we hope you connect with God to bus through the roadblocks that have held you back for years, create the work you love and really live the life you know. God created you to live as an artist in His kingdom. I'm Matt Tomah, your host. Let's get started. Well, hey there, my friend, so glad you're with me here on another episode of the Thriving Christian Artist podcast. And one of the things that I do every week inside of our Creative Thrive Artist Mentoring program is look at websites. I'm always reviewing websites, giving people personalized, individualized coaching on what they're doing right and what they're doing wrong on their website, and one of the things that I have to say bar none, just about everybody struggles with is something that we call a call to action. You know most artists, because we're visual, we're used to just kind of putting up websites that are really more of a brochure. It's pretty pictures, it talks about us, it's like aren't I wonderful and look at all my stuff, but rarely do they give a clear call to action, in other words, do you tell people what you want them to do on your website, and that is a huge mistake, and it's probably the main reason why, number one, you're not getting opt-ins and your email list is not growing. And number two, it's probably why you're not making sales, because when people go there they're like, oh, this is nice, and then they spend about 30 seconds on there and maybe they click to another couple of pages and they click off and that's it. There's nothing. You're not leading them anywhere, and so one of the most important things that you must, must, must be doing on your website is develop a clear call to action. Now I'm talking all the time, as much more than I can ever do on a single podcast episode, but I want to give you the gist of this today and if you want some help, I'm glad to help you with it inside of the mentoring program. But you got to develop a clear call to action pathway and if you think in terms of a funnel, we all know what a funnel is on the top of the funnel would be all the stuff that you're doing out there on social media and you know what you're doing in search engine optimization and print media and referrals and interviews and podcast interviews and all the stuff, right, that's happening around, what you're doing as an artist. All of that, all of that when 100% of the time needs to lead to one place your website. And when people go to your website, it's got to have a clear call to action in order for them to either be led to make a purchase directly or to opt in for a freebie.

Speaker 1:

Now, the reason I love freebies is because it's an easy way to get somebody on your email list. It's an easy way to make an introduction and it ops them in, and then you can automate through Mailer Lite, convertkit, mailchimp, whatever you're using you can automate a beautiful email sequence that will lead them to all of the different things that you do, whether that's selling your art or selling an art class, or inviting them to be a part of your membership, or whatever it is that you want to do. But it automates that and it gives people a clear pathway. And so, my friend, if you are looking at your website today and you're like, wow, I spent all this time and energy on a website but nobody's doing anything, my email list is not growing, I'm not making sales, I would just about guarantee that the culprit one of the culprits at least, is your call to action. And so remember, when you're doing a call to action. The thing you want to really really make sure of is that the freebie that you're giving away if we're talking about freebies for opt-ins the freebie that you're giving away is something that's going to make life for the person easier. It's going to be something that's interesting to them. It's going to be something that's going to give them a little more knowledge. It's something that's going to give them a little more insight into your world. It's got to be desirable.

Speaker 1:

All right, just as an example, one of the freebies that I give away on my basket website, matttommycom, is a little PDF that I developed, called Seven Tips for Making Baskets with Natural Materials. Over the years, I've found that most of the people that were coming to my basketry website were not necessarily my ideal basketry purchasers, but they were people that wanted to be me. They wanted to make baskets like I did. They wanted to learn about materials. They wanted to learn about the classes that I offered, and so I developed that freebie in order to get them on my list and then allow me to advertise classes and retreats and conferences and other opportunities that I have in that world, and it works marvelously. All right, now don't be going to my website and opt in for that, unless you want to make baskets. But you get the idea right. We've all seen this kind of thing before and so you got to think about your audience. You know what's going to be desirable for them and create that clear call to action that will drive them to the actions that you want them to take Now.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I can hear through the podcast right now. I can hear some of you saying I'd love to have that, but I have no clue where to start. Well, guess what we can help? The only way I can help you is inside of the Creative Thrive Artist Mentoring Program Because, listen, that's where I can look at your website, that's where I can answer your questions. That's where we can connect you with other artists that are doing the same thing, that want to be a support and a help to you.

Speaker 1:

You can get started right now, for just $14, by clicking the link that's in the description here in this podcast episode and get access to everything, including the live coaching calls, the expert hour calls, our small groups every month during biz chat, the opportunity to ask me questions and get personalized answers for what you're going through in your art life, your business life and your spiritual life. Listen, it really is a no-brainer. There's no other program like it in the world to help Christian artists step into everything that God's got for them spiritually, artistically and in business To take your dreams of being an artist and actually turn it into consistent income. My friend, I'd love to help you. Click the link and I hope that we see you inside Creative Thrive. We can get your call to action, your website, up to where it needs to be and get some opt-ins and get some email list growing and get some sales coming in so that you can turn what's probably been a hobby for you into an actual income stream.

Speaker 1:

I love you, my friend. I'm for you. I'm so excited about what God has for you this year and I'd love to be able to help you. I'll see you next time right here on the Thriving Christian Artist podcast. Bye, hey. Thanks so much for spending a few minutes with me today on the podcast Listen. I hope it's been a huge encouragement to you on your journey as an artist. Hey, also, before you leave, make sure to hit the subscribe button so you don't miss any of the other episodes of the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, and also be sure to connect with me on Facebook, instagram or at my website, which is matttommymentoringcom. Until next time, remember you were created to thrive. Bye, bye.