The Thriving Christian Artist

How to Get More Unsubscribes and Decrease Your Email List (...for real)

January 09, 2024 Matt Tommey: Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and Artist Mentor Episode 464

Have you ever been taken aback by people's reactions to something you thought was a no-brainer? It happened to me, Matt Tommey, when an offer I believed was irresistible met with more skepticism than a conspiracy theorist at a magic show. 

In this episode of Thriving Christian Artist, we're not just talking shop about the art world; we're taking a deep dive into mindsets and how resistance to opportunities, like my $14 introductory offer to the Creative to Thrive Artist Mentoring program, reveals a bigger picture of the fears and hesitations that can choke out our creative growth.

But here's the twist: those unsubscribe notifications? I say, bring them on! We're all about curation here – not just of art, but of our tribe. When the skeptics opt-out, it's actually a celebration of clarity, a sharpening of focus on those who are ready to invest in themselves and align with our vision. 

So join me as we laugh in the face of fear, high-five every unsubscribe, and welcome the passionate, committed creatives who are eager to support each other's journey. It's about finding confidence, embracing boldness, and understanding that every 'no' makes space for an enthusiastic 'yes'. Strap in for a ride that's all about cultivating the community that will help your art, and your spirit, truly thrive.

You can still join the program for just $14 at

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Thriving Christian Artist, the podcast, where we hope you connect with God to bus through the roadblocks that have held you back for years, create the work you love and really live the life you know. God created you to live as an artist in His kingdom. I'm Matt Tomah, your host. Let's get started. Hey, my friend, welcome to 5 minute mentoring. Listen, I was sending an email the other day and I felt really great about it. I sent it out and my team called me and they were like, uh, we're getting a lot of people that did not like that email. And I was like, uh, really Like which one was it? And it was an email that I sent and I asked in the subject line I said are you the $14 skeptic? And I just kind of broke it down. You know we've been doing a trial. You know promotion right now for the creative Thriving Artist Mentoring Program. Usually it's 97 bucks. Actually, usually it's $127 a month on our website. Sometimes we discount it for launches and that sort of thing to 97 a month. But we did a crazy thing this January. We said, hey, we're going to let people in for 14 bucks on their first month if they want to try it and um, but you know it's, it's funny, even at an 85% discount.

Speaker 1:

Some people were just like I'm not going to do it, I'm not spending money, I'm not, you know, and they all all the different reasons or whatever. But the funny thing was to me, so many people got offended by that email and you know what. I just kind of laughed because I said you know what if and I said this in the email too I was like, if $14 is your issue, you've got a whole lot more issues that have nothing to do with money, because it's not about the $14. It's about the hesitancy, the lack of confidence, the fear that is frustrating more than likely everything that you're doing in your life, not just your art business. And, honestly, if you're not willing to spend and invest 14 bucks in a whole month of personalized training in an artist mentoring program like ours that you know has had huge results for so many years, I really can't help you. And so people were like I'm going to unsubscribe, I'm getting off your email list, and you know what I said. I was like great, that is awesome.

Speaker 1:

And some people are like man, have you lost your mind? But no, and you know why the reason I'm glad that people unsubscribe, and the reason you should be glad that people unsubscribe from your email list is that they realize, for whatever reason, at whatever point in time it is, they come to a realization. They said you know what? I'm not your client, I'm not somebody that's going to give you any more business. I'm not somebody that's interested in what you have. You know what that does to you. Number one it lets you know you don't have to try to convince that person anymore. The second thing is it really makes your email list full of people that want what you have, which actually makes your open rates go up and makes your reputation be enhanced with your email provider and the email platforms that are receiving your email, and it's really a win-win for everybody.

Speaker 1:

So, listen, I want to encourage you this year. Don't be afraid to send sometimes what you think may be controversial emails. Don't be afraid to lay it on the line and let people know that, hey, if you want to work with me, if you want to buy my art, if you want to take my class, if you want to, whatever it is, lay it out there and give people a clear choice the people that want to continue to work with you and the people that want to continue to walk with you and follow your art. They're going to do that, and the people that don't, they're going to hit the unsubscribe button, and every time that happens I want you to just smile and say awesome, it's just making room for the people that are better, a better fit for my business this year.

Speaker 1:

My friend, I love you and, hey, I'd be remiss if I didn't invite you to be a part of the Creative to Thrive Artist Mentoring program. You can still try us out for a month 14 bucks. You can get the link right here in the show notes and we would love to see you and let you be completely thrilled and blown away by our incredible creative community that we have inside of Creative to Thrive. You can join right now and we look forward to seeing you inside. All right, love you, friends. See you soon. Bye. Hey, thanks so much for spending a few minutes with me today on the podcast Listen. I hope it's been a huge encouragement to you on your journey as an artist. Hey, also, before you leave, make sure to hit the subscribe button so you don't miss any of the other episodes of the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, and also be sure to connect with me on Facebook, instagram or at my website, which is matttommymentoringcom. Until next time, remember you were created to thrive. Bye, bye.