The Thriving Christian Artist

373 - What Artists Need To Know About NFTs: A Conversation with Bonnie Brooks

Matt Tommey: Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and Artist Mentor Episode 373

New trends, techniques, and technology have always had an effect on how art is created.  We’ve gone from painting on the walls of caves to painting the ceilings of cathedrals.  From canvas and oils to all-digital masterpieces.  

Progress marches on, and art marches right along with it.  

On this episode of the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, my guest, Bonnie Brooks, going to tell us all about a new avenue for creating and selling art we have available to us here and now - NFTs.  

You’ve probably heard of NFTs (we did another podcast on NFTs earlier this year - check it out!).  You may have a vague notion of them being related to cryptocurrency.  You may have heard the term “blockchain.”  You may have seen a bunch of weird cartoon monkeys that people claim are worth millions.  

If it all seems too “out there” for you, or seems like something that’s just for people who are younger or more tech-savvy than you, don’t worry.  

Just listen to my conversation with Bonnie, and you’ll have a much better understanding of just what’s going on with this new opportunity for today’s artists.  You’ll also learn how she and other like-minded folks are carving out a space in the Metaverse for Christian Artists like us.  (Don’t know what a “Metaverse'' is?  Listen to this podcast!)  

And be sure to check out Bonnie’s website and socials for more on her art, her mission, and her NFTs.  


When you’re ready to stop striving and start thriving, here are 4 other ways I can help: 

1️⃣ Join Us in November - Every artist was created by God to create with Him to both experience and release His Light and Life through their creative expression. Join us for a powerful 3-day healing event for artists called the “Unlocking the Heart of the Artist Experience” where you can do just that! Click here to learn more  ➡️

2️⃣ Unlock Your Heart:  Are you ready to begin a journey of healing and wholeness that will yield deeper Spirit-led creativity and personal fulfillment?  I’ll show you how in the 10th anniversary revised edition of “Unlocking the Heart of the Artist!”  Grab the book, ebook, or audio on Amazon ➡️

3️⃣  Connect with God: Discover how to connect with the Lord and discover His intention for you and your art in His Kingdom in my course, How to Connect with God to Create & Sell Your Art.   Get more details here ➡️

4️⃣  Ready to truly thrive?  Join the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program to discover how to build your art business and live the abundant life Jesus promised you as an artist in His Kingdom!  Click here for details and to enroll!  ➡️

Thanks for listening!  You can also watch this podcast on YouTube at  Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!


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